Issue 003, 01 Aug 2021

Check out our 8 handpicked investing contents in this week’s Cura8.
Thinking about Macro (Oaktree Capital)
The Pursuit of AI Driven Wealth Management (MIT)
#humor sense

How To Bet Against the Stock Market (the balance)
Jim Cramer: Take It From a Guy Who Knows, the IPO Process Is Really Flawed (Real Money)
The most innovative companies in 2021 (Visual Capitalist)
How Finance TikTok Is Navigating ‘Meme Stock’ Hype Among Young Investors (TIME)
Movies every investor must watch
Moneyball (2011)

About the movie : The movie Moneyball is a lesson of how any organization with limited resources can compete with the big guys with seemingly unlimited resources.
Moneyball teaches us how through the use of statistics and doing things differently, Billy Beane was able to exploit inefficiencies in the market for baseball talent and build a low-budget team that triumphed over their big-market competitors.
(Source :
Clip from the movie Money Ball
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