Registration for Virtual Meeting

acceler8 webinar – 11 Apr, 4 to 6 pm

Dear acceler8ors,

Firstly, I hope each one of you had time to read the latest edition of the #acceler8 newsletter.

As we proceed on this exciting journey we felt it was necessary to take time out specifically to reflect and may be get to know a little more about the acceler8 portfolio service and each other.

As mentioned in the post, we are planning for a video based call where we will have a small presentation followed by a Q&A. Also there are few interesting things lined up, shall try to give you a glimpse of what you can expect in the coming days.

A few of you have already registered and even shared your questions. A big thank you. However, there are a few among us who may have not indicated their participation. This mail is a gentle reminder.

I am really looking forward to interacting with you all. So if you are otherwise not occupied , please do spare a couple of hours this weekend.

Hope to see you this Sunday. Register in the link below

Also, don’t miss out on some very exciting prizes that might come your way.

Looking forward to interacting with each of you,

Happy investing !

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