acceler8 turns 25

Editors note :
Dear Reader,
On the occasion of 25 week of acceler8, this is a free issue. Please find an offer inside.
“Successes are like milestones but excellence is an never ending journey”
– Anonymous
With humility and happiness, I am happy to share that this is the 25th week of acceler8 “Follow my Portfolio” service.
acceler8 was started with an objective of helping common man invest better and to highlight the power of equities for long term wealth creation. As we enter week 25, in this issue we will look back at the earnings and learnings we did over the last 24 issues.

A) Earnings
While 25 weeks is not a long time, it is said, well begun is half done. Sharing the performance details of acceler8 “Follow my Portfolio” service.
NAV of 139.16 (₹ 100/- invested in acceler8 since inception)
CAGR 95.57%
acceler8 : 38.4% vs. NIFTY50 : 8.7%

Few highlights
Overall portfolio performance 95.57%
Performance over benchmark 76.84%
Portfolio performance YTD 30.19 vs. 12.51 of NIFTY50
Performance over benchmark YTD 17.68%
Few closed trades
Consecutive 15 trades delivered more than 15%.

B) Learnings
Give a man a fish, and you’ll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you’ve fed him for a lifetime.
– Confucius
acceler8 has a philosophy of combining learnings with earnings. Last 24 issues we have covered Strategies, Screeners, Superinvestors in our newsletter issues.
Here is a montage of the acceler8 newsletters since inception.

While earnings and learnings were the primary objective of acceler8, there has been a by product.
Relationships for Life

Looking back, it is not the notification received when a new paying subscriber joins or the new mail popup I get when I receive the profit ledger from my broker that gives me more satisfaction. Nor is it professional recognition from investment community that gave me the most happiness.
If you wonder then what gives me the maximum joy. It was the mails and WhatsApp messages from acceler8 customers expressing their happiness and pleasure on how acceler8 is now an integral part of their investing journey and how this service has made a difference to their learnings and earnings.

Over the last 25 weeks the biggest gain for me : a new set of friends and well-wishers (hopefully for life) .
There are many but I would love to call out a few (name will be anonymous but when they read they will know its about them):
In no particular order:
A humble orthopedic surgeon from Coimbatore with a great willingness to learn. He incidentally has agreed to give us all a presentation on Bone strength.
A smart husband wife couple who are chartered accountants and who have actually helped me with some taxation inputs
An enterprising entrepreneur from Pune
A Defense service personnel posted on the border serving the nation flying one of our mean birds and in the evening reading acceler8. His passion for investment
A techie from Chennai who is living in the USA. I was stunned when I got a request from him for “LIFE TERM MEMBERSHIP”. Why was I stunned?
I had just launched #acceler8 and a little anxious about how the investing community will receive it and here you go, a seasoned investor with paid membership from who is who of the Indian investment industry telling me he is seriously impressed with the work we are doing and asked me to name my price for life-term membership.
That was the confidence shot needed I needed and felt appreciated.
There are many more wonderful human beings I have met that I could go on for a lot longer.
Silver jubilee offer – LIFETIME 50% OFF
As we celebrate the milestone of 25 issues, and prepare ourselves for the next 25, we are happy to announce a one time offer Lifetime 50% discount on the annual subscription plan.
Against the regular price of ₹ 10000/- per annum, subscribe to acceler8 at ₹ 5000/- per year. Also wish to highlight that you will be eligible for Lifetime 50% OFF on the annual list price.
Keep learning, Keep rising.
PS : A few weeks back we launched stock and ladder telegram channel – a platform and online community where we share investing ideas, insights, infographics and information to continually get better at investing.
We have priced the subscription for this channel at a very affordable price of ₹ 800/- per year. Additionally you get access to Momentum Buddha watchlist portfolio – a high quality watchlist to 8 momentum stocks.
Join Stock and Ladder Telegram channel @ ₹ 800 per year
Click the below link to join through browser
Telegram App
Alternatively, you can subscribe to the channel directly from your Telegram App. Please search for user : @stockandladder_bot.
PPS : In case you subscribe to acceler8, you get a complementary access to Stock and Ladder Telegram Channel.
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