8 handpicked investing contents

Bubble signs

Insightful data point on US Equity issuance [GMO]
Meme-stock may have actually changed investing for good. [ Slate ]
Organizational Health – a company’s ability to align around and achieve strategic goals that is critical for long-term performance.
McKinsey’s Organizational Health Index (OHI) empowers management to make critical decisions vital for long term growth [mckinsey.com]
Volatility is normal. History rhymes but never repeats itself. Ben Carlson writes in that there is no such thing as a “Normal” market environment [AWOCS]
Insightful conversation with Jeremy Grantham of GMO about the current state of markets [ MoneyWeek ]
Cartoon for the week

Book of the week
If you have followed Warren Buffet, you must be familiar with the term “waiting for the fat pitch.” Nothing better than reading this master piece from Ted Williams.

Movie of the week
Boiler Room (2000)

Boiler Room takes a look at business of stock broking through the eyes of a man (Seth Davis) who wishes to become rich and win the respect of his dad. He joins a fly by night stock broking firm and gets to know from its co-founder what is expected of his work and also how he can become a millionaire.
Seth later realizes that the firm’s techniques through cold calling investors to sell stock is infact a “pump and dump“, using brokers to create artificial demand in the stock of expired or fake companies leading to huge losses for innocent investors.
Hope you found this week’s content interesting and useful.
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy.
Keep Reading, Keep Rising !
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